Source code for ktch.landmark._Procrustes_analysis

"""Procrustes Analysis"""

# Copyright 2020 Koji Noshita
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABCMeta
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy as sp
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, OneToOneFeatureMixin, TransformerMixin

[docs] class GeneralizedProcrustesAnalysis( OneToOneFeatureMixin, TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator, metaclass=ABCMeta, ): r""" Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) Parameters ------------ tol: float, default=10^-7 Torelance for convergence of Procrustes analysis. n_dim: int, default=2 Dimensions of the configurations. n_jobs: int, default=None The number of parallel jobs to run for Procrustes analysis. Attributes ------------ mu_: ndarray, shape (n_landmarks, n_dim) The mean shape of the aligned shapes. n_dim_: int, 2 or 3 Dimensions of the configurations. Notes ------------ GPA for shape involves translating, rotating, and scaling the configurations to each other to minimize the sum of the squared distances with respect to positional, rotational, and size parameters, subject to a size constraint [Gower_1975]_, [Goodall_1991]_. GPA for size-and-shape References ------------ .. [Gower_1975] Gower, J.C., 1975. Generalized procrustes analysis. Psychometrika 40, 33–51. .. [Goodall_1991] Goodall, C., 1991. Procrustes Methods in the Statistical Analysis of Shape. J Royal Statistical Soc Ser B Methodol 53, 285–321. """ def __init__( self, tol=10**-7, scaling=True, n_dim=2, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, debug=False, ): self.tol = tol self.scaling = scaling self.debug = debug self.mu_ = None self.n_dim_ = n_dim self.n_jobs = n_jobs @property def n_dim(self): return self.n_dim_ @n_dim.setter def n_dim(self, n_dim): if n_dim not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("n_dim must be 2 or 3.") self.n_dim_ = n_dim
[docs] def fit(self, X): """Fit GPA. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_specimens, n_landmarks, n_dim) /DataFrame, shape (n_specimens, n_landmarks * n_dim) Configurations to be aligned. Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance itself. """ self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1] if hasattr(X, "columns"): self.feature_names_in_ = X.columns return self
[docs] def transform( self, X: npt.ArrayLike, ) -> npt.ArrayLike: """GPA for shapes/size-and-shapes. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_specimens, n_landmarks*n_dim) Configurations to be aligned. scaling: bool, default=True If True, the configurations are aligned by translation, rotation, and scaling. If False, the configurations are aligned by translation and rotation. Returns ------- X_ : ndarray, shape (n_specimens, n_landmarks, n_dim) Shapes/Size-and-Shape (aligned configurations) """ X_ = np.array(X) n_specimen = len(X_) n_dim = self.n_dim_ if len(X_[0]) % n_dim != 0: raise ValueError("X must be n_specimens x n_landmarks*n_dim.") n_landmarks = int(len(X_[0]) / n_dim) X_ = X_.reshape(n_specimen, n_landmarks, n_dim) scaling = self.scaling if scaling: X_ = self._transform_shape(X_) else: X_ = self._transform_size_and_shape(X_) return X_.reshape(n_specimen, n_landmarks * n_dim)
def _transform_shape(self, X): X_ = np.array(X, dtype=np.double, copy=True) X_ = self._center(X_) mu = np.sum(X_, axis=0) / len(X_) mu = mu / centroid_size(mu) diff_disp = np.inf total_disp_prev = np.inf while diff_disp > self.tol: results = [sp.spatial.procrustes(mu, x) for x in X] X_ = np.array([x_aligned for _, x_aligned, _ in results]) total_disp = np.sum(np.array([disp for _, _, disp in results])) diff_disp = np.abs(total_disp_prev - total_disp) total_disp_prev = total_disp mu = np.sum(X_, axis=0) / len(X_) mu = mu / centroid_size(mu) if self.debug: print("total_disp: ", total_disp, "diff_disp: ", diff_disp) self.mu_ = mu return X_ def _transform_size_and_shape(self, X): X_ = np.array(X, dtype=np.double, copy=True) X_ = self._center(X_) mu = np.sum(X_, axis=0) / len(X_) diff_disp = np.inf total_disp_prev = np.inf while diff_disp > self.tol: total_disp = 0 X_ = np.array([x @ sp.linalg.orthogonal_procrustes(x, mu)[0] for x in X]) total_disp = np.sum([(x_ - mu) ** 2 for x_ in X_]) diff_disp = np.abs(total_disp_prev - total_disp) total_disp_prev = total_disp mu = np.sum(X_, axis=0) / len(X_) if self.debug: print("total_disp: ", total_disp, "diff_disp: ", diff_disp) self.mu_ = mu return X_.reshape(self.n_specimen_, self.n_landmarks_ * self.n_dim_)
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X): """GPA for shapes/size-and-shapes. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_specimens, n_landmarks * n_dim) /DataFrame, shape (n_specimens, n_landmarks * n_dim) Configurations to be aligned. Returns ------- X_ : ndarray, shape (n_specimens, n_landmarks, n_dim) Shapes/Size-and-Shape (aligned configurations) """ X_ = self.transform(X) return X_
def _center(self, X): X_centered = np.array([x - np.mean(x, axis=0) for x in X]) return X_centered def _scale(self, X): X_scaled = np.array([x / centroid_size(x) for x in X]) return X_scaled
# @property # def _n_features_out(self): # """Number of transformed output features.""" # return self.n_landmarks_ * self.n_dim_ class LandmarkImputer(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, missing_values=np.nan): pass
[docs] def centroid_size(x): """Calculate the centroid size. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape (n_landmarks, n_dim) Configuration, pre-shape, shape, etc. Returns ------- centroid_size : float Centroid size of the input. """ x = np.array(x) x_c = x - np.mean(x, axis=0) centroid_size = np.sqrt(np.trace(, x_c.T))) return centroid_size
def _thin_plate_spline_2d(x_reference, x_target): """Thin-plate spline in 2D. Parameters ---------- x_reference : array-like, shape (n_landmarks, n_dim) Reference configuration. x_target : array-like, shape (n_landmarks, n_dim) Target configuration. Returns ------- W : ndarray, shape (n_landmarks, n_dim) c : ndarray, shape (n_dim) A : ndarray, shape (n_dim, n_dim) """ n_dim = 2 x_r = np.array(x_reference).reshape(-1, n_dim) x_t = np.array(x_target).reshape(-1, n_dim) n_landmarks = x_r.shape[0] if not x_r.shape == x_t.shape: raise ValueError("x_reference and x_target must have the same shape.") r = sp.spatial.distance.cdist(x_r, x_r, "euclidean") SMat = r**2 * np.log(r, out=np.zeros_like(r), where=(r != 0)) QMat = np.concatenate([np.ones(n_landmarks).reshape(-1, 1), x_r], 1) zero_mat = np.zeros([n_dim + 1, n_dim + 1]) GammaMat = np.concatenate( [ np.concatenate([SMat, QMat], 1), np.concatenate([QMat.T, zero_mat], 1), ] ) GammaInvMat = np.linalg.inv(GammaMat) sol =, np.concatenate([x_t, np.zeros([n_dim + 1, n_dim])], 0)) W = sol[0:n_landmarks, :] c = sol[n_landmarks, :] A = sol[n_landmarks + 1 :, :] return W, c, A def _tps_2d(x, y, T, W, c, A): t = np.array([x, y]) r = np.apply_along_axis(lambda v: np.sqrt(, v)), 1, t - T) pred = c +, t) +, np.where(r == 0, 0, r**2 * np.log(r))) return pred